What’s Guerrilla Marketing?
You might never have heard this term before but you have definitely seen its many applications everywhere!
“Guerrilla” marketing is an advertising strategy for products which does not require a lot of money and attracts the audience with greater success! This is because it invests in impressing and surprising the consuming audience! It is an impressing way of advertising that enters the everyday life of people.
These kind of campaigns usually take place in public venues, streets, parks, shopping malls, beaches etc. It is an open advertisement towards the mass and most of the times gaining the attention of the greatest percentage of the public is its ultimate goal.
Well known companies often choose to employ this strategy in order to astonish and surprise. Thanks to the “wow” effect they cause, they manage to transmit their message with particular ease and efficiency.
Some characteristics which promise to maximize the success of these campaigns are creativity, color switching, 3D concepts and in general adopting a very smart promotional tactic. The interactive element also plays a vital role as well as the consumer’s interaction with the product.
Guerrilla marketing rarely contains the element of mystery but it does contain advertisements with a clear and lucid meaning intended for their audience. These type of advertisements operate in the unconscious since they affect emotions and bring about constructive concerns to the consuming audience. It is also usually the preferred advertising method of big associations that wish to raise the public’s awareness in relation to health, the environment and other social issues.
Several small companies that cannot invest in the traditional and conventional ways for promoting their products, invest in Guerrilla marketing and with less expenses they manage to gain more resonance. Moreover, this kind of marketing is also chosen by global companies for creating an image-message to the unconscious which triggers a sense of neediness for their product to the consumer.
Some examples of the most successful Guerrilla marketing campaigns are the following:
Trend Whispers by Antonia Zenonos
Journalist at Clickhouse Media
Email: info@clickhouse.media