Transform your marketing with the new 4Ps of digital and CRM
We are all witnesses of how the ways we get our message out and communicate with consumers have changed over the last decade.
It’s time to make some space for the new 4Ps of digital, without though abandoning the old 4Ps we all know about; price, product, promotion & place.
In a world where over 80% of consumers search online before actually visiting a store, and around 74% get frustrated when messages and offers have nothing to do with their interests, we as marketers need to realize how customer relationship management (CRM) is not just an option but the only option for a successful marketing strategy.
So, with CRM and the new 4Ps of digital (process, people, platform, and performance) brands are now able to personalize their communication with their audience and meet their needs.
Discover the new 4Ps of digital marketing:
“P” for Process stands for all the critical operational processes and marketing tools that aim to support revenue goals and other business objectives set by each organization.
The big challenge remains in the hands of the head of any marketing department which must find a balance among all these. As a matter of fact, it’s been proven that many marketers weren’t ready to battle these challenges.
One thing the digital evolution has radically changed is personalization.
The days of mass communication and generalized messages belong to the past (fortunately)!
According to Clickz, choosing the right CRM program for your brand can drastically improve teamwork, communication, and consumer relationships with good data provision and segmentation.
Using personalized contact price, product and promotion are elevated through creating a strong bond with the brand.
Successful businesses are founded on the creation and maintenance of a connection with their audience, with customer loyalty being their number 1 priority.
Don’t underestimate the importance of adopting the most effective tools in order to manage your content strategy, digital presence and consumer data. In fact, this is critical for the whole team to be as productive as possible.
What has differentiated digital marketing from traditional marketing is the fact that almost anything is measurable and trackable.
With the right tools, marketers are now in the position to have all the key performance indicators (KPIs) at their disposal allowing them to measure engagement, clicks, conversions, customer acquisition, and retention etc.
This factor is key to business success as having this much of customer data empowers brands to provide personalized value to their audience and increase retention rate.
These new 4Ps and CRM are the connection between the traditional 4Ps of marketing and the powerful digital age.
DigitalEyes by Chrys Zezou
Operations Manager at Clickhouse Media
Email: C.zezou@clickhouse.media